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  1. Janet Browne: Darwin The Younge Adventurer
    科技 2009/07/14 | 阅读: 1202
    In 2009 two important commemorative events coincide—the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth, coincidentally on the same day as Abraham Lincoln’s, and the sesquicentennial of publication of Darwin’s pioneering work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Universities and natural history museums around the world are celebrating Darwin’s achievement throughout the year. Here we take a fresh look at the voyage that turned Darwin into one of science’s greatest thinkers.
  2. JONATHAN SPENCE: When Minds Met: China and the West in the Seventeenth Century
    历史 2010/06/23 | 阅读: 1737
  3. Kenneth Miller: 反对神创论的观点
    科技 宗教 2011/07/14 | 阅读: 1572
  4. Lynn T. White III:中国宪法的现状
    法律 2009/12/21 | 阅读: 2958
    普林斯顿大学Lynn T. White III
  5. newsweek:艺术品为何贵得这么恶心
    艺术 2011/12/08 | 阅读: 1314
    今年12月1-4日的巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺博会又卖出了一批货。作者Blake Gopnik,虽然欧美各国经济都有问题,但根据artiprice.com统计,今年上半年全世界艺术品销售额达到58亿美元,比去年增长34%
  6. Robert Huddleston:Leap Into Light
    文学 2009/10/30 | 阅读: 1182
  7. Swafford: 伟大的作曲家,恶劣的评论--当乐评者出击时
    音乐 2009/02/20 | 阅读: 1119
    神圣罗马帝国的约瑟夫二世是个慷慨的音乐爱好者,但不幸的是,当他听完莫扎特的《后宫诱逃》(Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail),他说了一句:“太多音符了,亲爱的莫扎特”,从此便成为乐盲的永恒象征。
  8. Tariq Ali:这是阿拉伯的1848年,但美国霸权仅微挫
    社会 2011/02/23 | 阅读: 1851
    当西方支持的暴君被赶走,政局长远地变化了。但革命到底能传播多远?With western-backed despots being turfed out politics has changed for ever. So just how far can the revolution spread?
  9. Therborn:我们的时代和马克思所处的时代
    书评 2011/12/23 | 阅读: 2482
  10. Tragic hero: Laurie Taylor interviews Terry Eagleton
    宗教 2009/07/14 | 阅读: 1144
    Eagleton can, of course, fight back against this kind of rebuttal if he can only show that there is something in theology which undermines the arguments against religion made by the new atheists. And this indeed is what he is up to in Reason, Faith and Revolution when he seeks to show, with the use of the theologian Thomas Aquinas, that the God so readily dismissed by Dawkins and Hitchens is not a god that many theologians, or indeed believers, would recognise.
  11. William Pfaff: What Obama Should Have Said to BP
    环保 2010/07/07 | 阅读: 1224
    Barack Obama’s demand, in his June 15 speech, that the former British Petroleum Company create an escrow account, to guarantee the funds that will be needed to deal with the consequences of the continuing catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, should have been made weeks ago, and should surely have been framed more strongly than it was.The President, in this matter, continues to demonstrate the quality, laudable in itself, but in politics extraordinarily dangerous, of assuming that those he is dealing with are as reasonable and well-intentioned as he is himself. In fact they are often driven by ruthlessly self-interested motives that leave him in a position of seeming weakness and unwillingness to defend not only national but his own political interests.At the end of May one saw the President on international television walking on a Louisiana beach, accompanied—off-scene—by hundreds if not thousands of newsmen, broadcasters, and cameramen. He seemed abject. He bent over and picked up a handful of sand and let it run through his fingers. He shook his head in concern. A cutaway showed his speeches earlier in this affair declaring that his administration is in charge of the great effort to save America’s coast and waters from the terrible pollution that is spreading as a result of a volcano of oil erupting from the sea’s floor and meeting the sickly-colored, toxic chemicals being mixed into the water that are meant to disperse it.In his June 15 speech, Mr. Obama finally insisted that BP would pay for all the damage and cleanup and would be held responsible for any illegalities; and the next day at the White House BP agreed to an independently administered $20 billion escrow fund, while the full costs to the Gulf region are far from clear.In the press conferences given by the President and the BP chairman that followed the meeting it was clear that the American government still does not control this situation. BP alone will determine what is done with respect to the oil geyser and its promised closure. While it will make available the $20 billion compensation fund, the timing, terms, and ultimate worth of BP’s assurances of compensation and reparation remain open to interpretation and change.Advertisement How can the President possibly say that his administration has “been in charge”? BP has been in charge from the start—it and its contract companies, all of them desperately trying to plug the hole in the bottom of the sea, and all defending corporate and fiscal interests of their own. The President’s associates and advisers have apparently decided that the agencies of the United States government are technically incompetent to give instructions to BP, which seems improbable. But they certainly can and must tell BP what priorities must be set, and they must establish goals to be met, and on what timescale.BP’s lawyers and lobbyists have just as desperately been striving to allow BP to unload responsibility upon anyone or everyone else, including incompetent or irresponsible or compromised federal regulators. Allow me, in the style of the metropolitan columnists who influence Washington, to draft what the President might have said in his June 15 speech:“My friends:“The American nation has suffered a grievous blow from the catastrophe produced in the Gulf by what formerly was known as the British Petroleum Company. This is the latest in a series of major accidents produced in this company’s American operations, causing loss of lives among its workers, unforgivable human suffering by private citizens, and great damage to private and public interests, continuing today in the Gulf.“I have therefore today given orders that the American functions of this company be provisionally seized, or placed in temporary receivership, by the American government, as in recent months we have been forced to seize banks and corporations devastated by economic crisis, such as General Motors, AIG, and certain financial institutions.“BP’s American management will be placed under public authority and will be instructed to terminate the oil emergency as rapidly as possible and in disregard of whatever costs must be incurred by the company. This effort will be conducted by BP through its own best efforts, closely supervised by officers of the United States Coast Guard and Navy, the Energy and Treasury Departments of our government, and will be accompanied by an investigation by the Justice Department and its executive agencies, including the FBI, for any possible evidence of fraud, malfeasance or profiteering, contributing to this disaster. None of these agencies of government will incur any responsibility whatever for the decisions and actions of BP while conducting its operations to terminate the oil blowout.“In no circumstances will company, proprietary, or stockholder interest be given priority over measures to terminate this emergency and to safeguard the assets or interests of the United States public or government. No funds of this company shall be expended on political lobbying intended to influence Congress or the executive agencies of federal government until this emergency has formally been determined to have been ended.“Clearly, losses to British pension funds and other British shareholders of BP should be of concern to the British government. However those individuals and institutions investing in companies with notoriously controversial histories assume the accompanying risks.“The Oil Pollution Act signed into law in 1990 greatly expanded the US government’s ability and resources necessary to respond to oil spills; and it does not preempt state action to impose additional liability, which may be unlimited, with penalties and damages in addition to federal liabilities that may extend to prison sentences.“I am instructing that all BP assets within the United States, or in its surrounding waters, including funds immediately at its disposal, and all other BP funds accessible to the United States government, be temporarily seized and sequestered so as to prevent the transfer of any funds or assets of this company outside United States jurisdiction and access. The disposition of those assets will eventually be determined by the courts or by a new independent federal agency, with priority given to the reimbursement of persons and property-holders victimized by this catastrophe, and the redressment of damage or destruction to public assets and municipal, state, and national interests for which the former British Petroleum corporation is deemed by the courts, or by the independent agency, to have been responsible.” This is what the American people wanted to hear. President Obama wishes to be seen as decisive and a leader? Here was his opportunity. He wants a Democratic Congress elected in the fall? And a second presidential term for himself? This could have made a decisive contribution to those ambitions, as well as assuring necessary help to millions of people and repairing grave damage to the environment.He then could have concluded his speech by saying to his political opponents that any Republican or Democrat who wishes to run for office in November as an opponent of these Obama administration crisis measures—and as a defender of BP corporate and stockholder interests, or its customary executive remuneration and financial practices—as against the national interest of the United States and redress of the damage that continues at this moment to be done to the United States and its citizens, would be more than welcome to do so.—June 16, 2010
  12. “坏血” —美国塔斯基吉梅毒实验案例
    医卫 2013/06/03 | 阅读: 3854
  13. 《中国互联网状况》白皮书
    科技 2010/07/15 | 阅读: 1141
  14. 《中国建筑文化》:请撕下昂贵的环保表皮
    环保 建筑 2009/03/17 | 阅读: 1563
  15. 《中国社会科学报》:国内外十学者纵论中国道路
    社会 2009/09/05 | 阅读: 2299
  16. 《今天》 11年秋季号总 94 期
    期刊专递 2011/11/09 | 阅读: 1375
  17. 《今天》2011冬季号目录
    期刊专递 2012/02/12 | 阅读: 1553
  18. 《今天》飘风特辑目录
    期刊专递 2012/03/23 | 阅读: 1565
  19. 《北京宪章》
    建筑 2008/07/29 | 阅读: 1843
  20. 《卫报》:美军网络间谍将针对社交网络舆论
    政治 科技 2011/03/21 | 阅读: 1488
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