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6.6~6.13 Goldsmiths政治学教授Michael Dutton系列讲座:艺术、再现与政治的碎片

6.6~6.13 Goldsmiths政治学教授Michael Dutton系列讲座:艺术、再现与政治的碎片

主讲教师:Michael Dutton教授 (英国伦敦大学Goldsmiths学院)
上课时间: 6月6日、7日、13日 13:30-17:30

英国伦敦大学金史密斯学院政治学教授Michael Dutton应清华大学人文与社会科学高等研究所邀请,将在清华进行系列演讲,欢迎各位参加。


主讲教师:Michael Dutton教授 (英国伦敦大学Goldsmiths学院)


上课时间: 66日、7日、13 13:30-17:30


教师简介:Michael Dutton,伦敦大学金史密斯学院政治学教授。主要研究领域为当代中国政治与日常生活、政治哲学、当代社会与文化理论等。



This course is concerned with the relationship between political intensity and the commodified world. How has that which could be and has been lived so intensely been transformed, marginalized, and disaggregated? What is the cost of this process of taming? Through three monuments to modernity (the Eiffel Tower, the Ferris Wheel, and Tatlin's unbuilt Monument to the Third International), the course traces the path of modernity as a road leading to political de-intensification. These various monumental efforts of modernism stand in sharp contrast to the political modernism of the Mao era, captured (again monumentally) in the figure of the Rent Collection Courtyard, a large sculptural diorama unveiled in 1965 and recreated in 1999 by the artist Cai Guoqiang for the Venice Biennale. Back-engineered, this is the story of Chinese transition and economic reform, but read more directly, it is the tale of how we dispose of political wonder.


Fragments of the political


Political Tweaking


The gift of the political

Reading List

Robert Adcock and Mark Bevir (2005), “The History of Political Science”, Political Studies Review, Volume 3, 1-16

Leo Strauss (1981), “Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization, Modern Judaism, Vol. 1, No. 1 May, 1981,

Leo Strauss (1983), “Jerusalem and Athens: Some Preliminary Reflections” in Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy (ed. Thomas L. Pangle), University of Chicago,

Francis Fukuyama (1992), End of History and the Last Man, Penguin, 1992, xi-xxiii

[http://www.amazon.co.uk/End-History-L ... 2&keywords=0743284550]

Michel Foucault (1978) History of Sexuality, Volume One, Random House, New York, 81-102

Leo Strauss (1996), “Notes on Carl Schmitt: The Concept of the Political” in Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, University of Chicago, Chicago, 1996, pp. 83-107 (ISBN 0-226-73886-8)

Additional Reading:

Alexandre Kojeve (1969), Introduction to the Reading of Hegel — Lectures on the Phenomenology of the Spirit, (Tran James Nichols) Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1-8

(http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Re ... r=1-1&keywords=kojeve)

Bataille, Georges Psychology of Fascism, in Visions of Excess: Selected Essay

Ulrich Beck, Democracy Without Enemies (Trans. Mark Ritter), Polity Press, Cambridge, 1998, pp1-19 (ISBN 0745618235)

Edward Said, Orientalism, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1978, pp.1-28. (ISBN 07100 0555 5)


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