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Exploding misconceptions 破除误解
Alleviating poverty may not reduce terrorism but could make it less effective 减轻贫困或许不能减少恐怖主义,但能降低它的效率
Economics focus 经济聚焦
Dec 16th 2010 | from PRINT EDITION

“EXTREMELY poor societies…provide optimal breeding grounds for disease, terrorism and conflict.” So said Barack Obama, arguing in favour of more development aid to poor countries. Mr Obama is not alone in regarding economic development as a weapon against terrorism. Hillary Clinton, America’s secretary of state, has called development “an integral part of America’s national security policy”. The idea that poverty could be associated with terrorism is not implausible. If acts of terror are committed by people with little to lose, then it is reasonable to expect them to be carried out disproportionately by poor, ill-educated people with dismal economic prospects.


Some terrorists certainly fit this profile. Yet the ranks of high-profile terrorism suspects also boast plenty of middle-class, well-educated people. The would-be Times Square bomber, Faisal Shehzad, boasts an MBA and is the son of a senior Pakistani air-force officer. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who stands accused of lighting a makeshift bomb on a transatlantic flight in the so-called “underwear plot”, had a degree from University College, London, and is the son of a rich Nigerian banker. The suspected suicide-bomber in this week’s attacks in Stockholm had a degree from a British university. Are well-heeled terrorists representative or are they exceptions to the rule?

一些恐怖分子显然可以归为此类。但高层次的恐怖主义嫌疑人依然包含大量受过良好教育的中产阶级。时代广场爆炸未遂嫌疑人RAISALSHEHZAD拥有MBA学位并且是巴基斯坦一名空军高级官员之子。在称为“内裤炸弹事件”中被指控试图在大西洋航班上引爆一枚山寨炸弹的UMAR FARROUK AGDULMUTALLAB拥有伦敦的大学的学位,还是尼日利亚一个富裕银行家的儿子。这周斯德哥尔摩自杀炸弹袭击的嫌疑人毕业于英国大学。这些是衣冠楚楚的恐怖分子代表呢,或者说他们是上述理论的例外?

Social scientists have collected a large amount of data on the socioeconomic background of terrorists. According to a 2008 survey of such studies by Alan Krueger of Princeton University, they have found little evidence that the typical terrorist is unusually poor or badly schooled. Claude Berrebi of the RAND Corporation compared the characteristics of suicide-bombers recruited by Hamas and Islamic Jihad from the West Bank and Gaza with those of the general adult male Palestinian population. Nearly 60% of suicide-bombers had more than a high-school education, compared with less than 15% of the general population. They were less than half as likely to come from an impoverished family as an average adult man from the general population. Mr Krueger carried out a similar exercise in Lebanon by collecting biographical information for Hizbullah militants. They too proved to be better educated and less likely to be from poor families than the general population of the Shia-dominated southern areas of Lebanon from which most came.

社会学家收集了恐怖分子的大量社会经济学的背景资料。根据一项2008由普林斯顿大学的ALAN KRUEGER关于该项研究的调查,他们发现很难证明具有代表性的恐怖分子是极其贫穷或缺乏教育的。兰德公司的CLAUDE 将哈马斯和伊斯兰圣战组织从约旦河西岸和加沙地带招募的自杀式炸弹袭击者和巴勒斯坦一般男性成年人的特性做比较。将近60%袭击者有高中以上学历,相比于一般男性的少于15%。他们出身于贫困家庭的几率比一般男性少一半。KRUEGER在黎巴嫩进行一项相似的实验,收集真主党武装分子的出身记录。实验也证实这些他们相比于什叶派统治的黎巴嫩南部地区的普通民众,教育程度更高,更少来自于贫困家庭,多数武装分子来自于该地区。

There is also no evidence that sympathy for terrorism is greater among deprived people. In a series of surveys carried out as part of the Pew Global Attitudes Project in 2004, adults in Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan and Turkey were asked whether they believed that suicide-bombing aimed at American or other Western targets in Iraq was justified. Their answers could be broken down by the respondents’ level of education. Although the proportions varied greatly between countries (with support lowest in Turkey), more schooling usually correlated with more agreement.


Some argue that poverty could be at the root of terror even if terrorists are not themselves poor. Anger about poverty in the countries they are from could cause richer citizens of poor countries to join terrorist organisations. This idea can be tested by looking across countries to see if there is a link between a country’s GDP per head and its propensity to produce terrorists. Mr Krueger did precisely this by looking at data on 956 terrorist events between 1997 and 2003. He found that the poorest countries, those with low literacy, or those whose economies were relatively stagnant did not produce more terrorists. When the analysis was restricted to suicide-attacks, there was a statistically significant pattern—but in the opposite direction. Citizens of the poorest countries were the least likely to commit a suicide-attack. The nationalities of all foreign insurgents captured in Iraq between April and October 2005 also produced no evidence that poorer countries produced more insurgents. If anything, there was weak evidence the other way.


What might explain why so many relatively well-off people from relatively well-off countries end up as terrorists? It may be that a certain level of education makes it more likely that people will become politicised. But the kind of people that terrorist organisations demand also matters. Unlike ordinary street crime, which does tend to attract the down-and-out, terrorism is a complex activity. So terrorist organisations prefer to recruit skilled, educated people to carry out their missions. Using a database of Palestinian suicide-bombers between the years 2000 and 2005, Mr Berrebi and Harvard University’s Efraim Benmelech find that more educated suicide-bombers are assigned to attack more important targets. Such terrorists also kill more people and are less likely to fail or be caught during their attacks.


The sword is mightier with the pen 文武兼施,效果更好

The finding that more educated terrorists are deadlier may mean, however, that economic conditions can influence terrorism’s effectiveness. Using data on all Palestinian suicide-attackers between 2000 and 2006, Esteban Klor of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Messrs Benmelech and Berrebi show in a new paper that the skill level of the average terrorist rises when economic conditions are poor. They reckon that high unemployment enables terror organisations in Palestine to recruit more educated, mature terrorists. So better economic conditions could blunt the effectiveness of terror attacks by reducing the average quality of the talent that terrorist organisations are able to recruit.


There are many reasons to promote economic development in poor countries but the elimination of terror is not a good one. The research on terrorists’ national origins suggested that countries which give their citizens fewer civil and political rights tend to produce more terrorists. Politics, not economics, is likely to be a more fruitful weapon in the fight against terror.



"What Makes a Terrorist? Economics and the Roots of Terrorism", by Alan B. Kreuger, Princeton University Press “恐怖分子从何而来?经济状况和恐怖主义根源”,作者: ALAN B. Kreuger, 普林斯顿大学出版社

"Economic Conditions and the Quality of Suicide Terrorism", by Efraim Benmelech, Claude Berrebi and Esteban F. Klor, NBER Working Paper No. 16320, August 2010 “经济状况和恐怖自杀袭击的水平”, 作者:Efraim Benmelech, Claude Berrebi and Esteban F. Klor

Human Capital” and the Productivity of Suicide Bombers" by Efraim Benmelech and Claude Berrebi, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2007. A version (with a different title) is available as NBER working paper No 12910 “人力资本和自杀炸弹者的生产率” 作者:Efraim Benmelech and Claude Berrebi, 经济前景日报

from PRINT EDITION | Finance and Economics 摘录于印刷版| 金融和经济

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