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7月19日清华大学人文与社会系列讲座:Moishe Postone教授

7月19日清华大学人文与社会系列讲座:Moishe Postone教授

Time, Labor, and Social Domination

演讲题目为:“理论”当代世界:布雷纳、阿瑞吉和哈维,Moishe Postone教授现任美国芝加哥大学历史系教授,是当今美国一位活跃的思想史和马克思主义理论学家,他1993年出版的Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory, (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)曾获1996年美国社会学学会理论奖。

清华大学人文与社会系列讲座 【题目】“理论”当代世界:布雷纳、阿瑞吉和哈维 (Theorizing the Contemporary World: Robert Brenner, Giovanni Arrighi, David Harvey) 【演讲人】Moishe Postone 教授 美国芝加哥大学 【主持人】汪晖 教授 【时间】2011年7月19日(周二)下午三点 【地点】新斋335室 【语种】英文 【翻译】慕唯仁(Viren Murthy) 【主办单位】清华大学人文与社会科学高等研究所 【内容简介】 It is widely recognized that the past three decades mark a significant break with the social, political, economic, and cultural order that characterized the decades following the Second World War. Basic changes include the weakening and transformation of welfare states in the capitalist West, the collapse or fundamental metamorphosis of bureaucratic party-states in the communist East, and the undermining of developmental states in what had been called the Third World. More generally, recent decades have seen the weakening of national, state-centered economic sovereignty and the emergence and consolidation of a neo-liberal global order. Social, political, and cultural life have become increasingly global, on the one hand; on the other hand, they have become increasingly decentered and fragmented. These changes have occurred against the background of a lengthy period of stagnation and crisis: since the early 1970s, the growth of real wages has decreased dramatically, real wages have remained generally flat, profit rates have stagnated, and labor productivity rates have declined. Yet these crisis phenomena have not led to a resurgence of working class movements. On the contrary, the past decades have seen the decline of classical labor movements and the rise of new social movements, often characterized by the politics of identity, including nationalist movements, movements of sexual politics, and various forms of religious “fundamentalism.” Trying to come to terms with the large-scale transformations of the past three decades, then, entails addressing not only the long-term economic downturn since the early 1970s, but also important changes in the character of social and cultural life. It is against the background of this problematic that I wish to discuss three very important works -- by Robert Brenner, Giovanni Arrighi, and David Harvey-- that attempt to grapple with current transformations. This paper is intended as preliminary. It does not attempt to provide a definitive critical analysis of these three authors’ works, but rather approaches specific works by these authors on a meta-theoretical level, focusing on their theoretical assumptions, in order to problematize the nature and characteristics of an adequate critical theory of capitalism today. 【演讲人介绍】 Moishe Postone教授现任美国芝加哥大学历史系教授,是当今美国一位活跃的思想史和马克思主义理论学家,他1993年出版的Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory, (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)曾获1996年美国社会学学会理论奖。

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7月4日刘禾、王中忱教授社科院讲座 7月12日清华大学人文与社会系列讲座:村田雄二郎教授
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