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比利时艺术家: 法朗士·麦绥莱勒 (Franz Masereel, 1889-1972)
麦绥莱勒(Frans Masereel,1889-1972)


1889 出生于比利时勃兰根堡
1907-1910 在比利时根特艺术学院学习(根特市:东弗兰德省省会。位于斯凯尔特河和莱斯河汇合处)
1911 迁至巴黎
1913 首次在刊物发表插图
1915 在瑞士日内瓦避难.
1917 为和平主义刊物La Feuille 和 Les Tablettes工作
1918 出版首部“版画中的小说”,获得国际声誉
1922 迁回巴黎
1935-1936 数次访问莫斯科
1940 搬到法国南部的 Avignon
1950 威尼斯25次双年展版画大奖
1951 在比利时的一系列回顾展
1958来华举办个人画展 ,回国后创作了《 回忆中国 》木刻组画
1972 在法国逝世

法郎士·麦绥莱勒(Frans Masereel,1889~1972),比利时版画家,和德国的珂勒惠支和梅斐尔德一样,是鲁迅推展新兴木刻运动时引进的最为推崇的版画家之一。







麦绥莱勒 谈艺术

1962, Munster: "For me, art is in the first place human communication addressed to all men, of which the form and the content, as well as the understanding and the heart, must be at the highest possible level. . . . If these postulates are not respected, there can be no great art."

1969, Blankenberge: "It is not for me to speak of my work, others will do so. But I should like to say here. . . what my conception is of art in our society. It is this: Art seems to me to be the most universal religion of our time, and the artist its principal messenger. The artist is a witness of his time, but he can also be an accuser, a critic, or he can celebrate in his works the uneasy greatness of his day.

"I cannot conceive of an artist isolating himself in an ivory tower, this seems anti-human, and, in any case, out of keeping with our way of life. We all need one another in order to survive. This does not mean that the artist is obliged to march in step with everybody else. On the contrary, though he is a man like other men, destiny has made of him a being with the mysterious gift which enables him to create works in which the vessel, forms, and colors, must be worthy of that which it bears, sincerity and thought.

"The artist is in the very front rank of those who lead humanity toward a better world, more beautiful, more free, more just, more brotherly."

To Frans Buyens (in a film interview): "An ideal communism would be, let us say, an anarchic sort of communism. Every man ought to be sufficiently mature to be willing to live in common with his fellows and to respect their freedom. . . .Man must be king of earth! Everyone should be a king of earth!"

Again: "I don't see what is political about it [his work]. Politics is a matter of factions--in Italian, combinazione, which is a lot prettier. But there are no 'factions' in my work. There is, I believe, great sincerity. It is a direct enough matter, consequently, which is not at all political. On the contrary, it is humanist. . . .

"I don't feel my work need carry a direct message. But that is not my point of departure. I don't consider myself a prophet, or well-informed enough to allow myself to offer messages. However, many of my works have been interpreted as messages. This moves me and gives me pleasure, because if I could offer a valid message, I think I should do so with pleasure."

"Abstract art is a progressive art. But I don't see where it leads. I see no future in it, because I think that showing nothing, saying nothing, pleasing only the eyes, produces at the end of the day an art which is very agreeable to a certain section of the rich middle class. It is an art that you can put anywhere: in the bathroom, in the kitchen, above your bed; it shocks nobody. There are simply more or less successful combinations of colors in a particular pattern, which are sometimes very interesting. But for me, art is more serious than that."
--Roger Avermaete, Frans Masereel, 1976, Fonds Mercator, pp 84-7.


"Masereel pitilessly castigated man's ugliness, while praising his beauty. With rare force he carved the image of the misery man calls down upon himself, but which he has the power to prevent if he would. With the intensity that characterizes him, he extols humanity, and a society--utopian perhaps--in which all men are brothers."
----Maurice Naessens, Preface to Avermaete.
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